We are doing stems differently this year. Stems lists 21-30 are a great review for lists 1-20. Your 8th grade English teachers have gone through and found the stems that help make up your words for lists 21-30. Each list will have up to 50 stems in it that you have ALREADY learned in the years you have been at HMS. If you were not here, it is okay, because you will get a chance to see how these words help make other words! (Isn't English exciting?!?!)
Below is a link to the old stems that will be with each list of new stem words for lists 21-30. Use the link below to help you with the lists this year. We will run a schedule, which you will write in your agendas, and will finish your ten required stems lists at the end of the first semester. Get ready!
Stems Folder For The Year
Bookmark this folder =)