If you are working on your project in a PowerPoint or Google Slides, this is a GREAT way to organizer your paper!!! Mrs. Acton had her Publishing students do this in Google Slides. Once you create your Slides presentation in Google Slides, you can share it with me and I can see it! That way you won't have to worry about turning it in-- it's already turned in! =)
Slide 1: title with book name, author, your name and class period of english
Slide 2: Inferring - how the main character felt
Slide 3: Inferring - 4 difficult words
Slide 4: Making Connections
Slide 5: Asking Questions of a Character
Slide 6: Determine Importance #1
Slide 7: Determine Importance #2
Slide 8: Visualizing #1
Slide 9: Visualizing #2
Slide 10: Visualizing #3
Slide 11: Synthesizing #1
Slide 12: Synthesizing #2
Slide 13: Summarizing
Slide 14: Theme
Slide 15: Character Physical Characteristics
Slide 16: Character’s Personality Characteristics
Slide 17: Miscellaneous
Slide 18: Plot Diagram